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Worked Colorado Award

Side Band Sounds from the Rockies

The following are short audio files for downloading.  These have been gathered by Wayne, N0POH, but others are encouraged to submit short audio files.

Here are some sounds from recent nets and 2 meter sprints…

W7SAO DM59 Lloyd is in the Grand Junction area and has been a consistent check in even when conditions are "down".  Another consistent check ins is Larry N0LL from Smith Center Kansas.  Sometimes confusion reins supreme depending on which way who’s beam is pointing…  This is K0GU in DN70 and W0EEA in DM79 looking in opposite directions during the Sprint.

Some other files, Lou N9KC working Texas from DN70 in the 2000 Spring Sprint on two meters.  Bdale N3EUA (Now KB0G) roving in the Spring Sprint from DM88. N0KQY DM98 calling N3EUA. N0KQY is usually everyone’s first Kansas contact from Colorado. Ken W0ETT taking local checks on a typical Rocky Mountain VHF+ Net. 

Working the 2000 Spring Spring, W6OAL, W0AH and KB0PUN, N0SWV, KC0GCU, and N0KE.

Some net check-ins, Dave W0LEV in DN70 and Brian N0UIC in DM78.  Also, Brian, N0VSB calling CQ for the Monday night net.