Worked Colorado Awards


Worked All Colorado Award


Worked Colorado Award

The Worked Colorado Award is available for all bands above 50 MHz, and is awarded if you work any 6 of the 16 Colorado Grid Squares on any One (1) VHF/UHF band. The Worked All Colorado Award is available for all bands above 50 MHz, and is awarded if you work all of Colorado’s 16 Grid Squares on any One (1) VHF/UHF band. Contacts in grids shared with other states MUST be made with operators within the borders of Colorado for this award.

Here is a listing of the 16 Colorado Grid Squares (from NW to SE)

DN50 DN60 DN70 DN80
DM59 DM69 DM79 DM89
DM58 DM68 DM78 DM88
DM57 DM67 DM77 DM87
